
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tis the Season

What's It Wednesday #53

Tis the Season to celebrate life's journeys with friends. A desert table was the perfect place to display some of our favorite deserts. 
I treated myself to this delightful desert tray. I decided it would be my Christmas gift to me. 

Key Lime Pie, Chocolate Ganache Cake and Apple Crumble Pie fit perfectly on the Three Tiered cake plate. In addition to looking great that actually tasted great.

It was also football Sunday so a sportsman/sportswoman Christmas tree was in order.

The Miami Dolphins nutcracker was a great touch to the sports decor, much to my husband's chagrin (He does not like the Dolphins). 

The Christmas bears guard and protect birdcage. I absolutely adore birdcages and of all the ones in my collection this one is my absolute favorite.

In the birdcage is a beautiful Santa dressed in teal, flanked by two beautiful Christmas trees.

I love collecting snowmen and women in fur coats for my mother. I surprise her with two or three each Christmas.

The living room is ready for quiet evenings watching Christmas specials on the telly and the much anticipated arrival of St. Nick. 

The holidays also means honoring my great-grandmother Helen with a Menorah. 

What are some of your favorite holiday decorating items? 


Thank you all for participating in our "What's It Wednesday" Linky Party! 


  1. Happy Holidays! Thanks for hosting :) Awesome looking tray! Perfect during the holiday season - well all year around I might add :D Seasons Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  2. PAULA and PATTI!


    I have had the worse time getting into your blog. Patti dearest, the last time you visited me, I came over here immediately, but was unable to get in. This time I let the wheel spin and spin and now here I am.

    Your decorations are just happy and colorful. Thank you for shedding the grace and beauty that we all need now. Patti dearest, I know you are a teacher too....hugs to you and blessings in your heart as you go out to serve the community with hope and love in your heart for each student. I shall do the same as a substitute and will always remember those blessed little angels that have gone home a bit too soon in my opinion...but God knows why.

    Hugs to you both! Anita

  3. Merry Christmas. I love all of your Christmas treasures and would have bought myself that Victorian tray, too.


  4. I have a lovely tiered silver server similar to yours and I love using it. YOurs is gorgeous. Thanks tons for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and Merry n Bright to both of You.

    thanks so much for hosting the party.

    your tiered tray is lovely.


  6. Paula and Patti!
    Everything at your home is merry, bright and beautiful! (We also interject a touch sports into our Christmas decor elements.)

    I thought that I would join your party today!
    The best of blessings!

  7. Love your dessert table decor. You decorated your home so nicely. I have been enjoying everyone's decorations. Hope you enjoy your holidays. Smiles, Susie

  8. Your home looks gorgeous! Thank you for featuring my bathroom....have a wonderful holiday! Hugs, Penny

  9. Love the tray you treated yourself to! Everything looks so beautiful. Just wanted to let you know that I also a difficult time getting your site to load, I hate tech problems!!!!! Thanks for hosting again this week, have a wonderful holiday season, Laura

  10. Your table looks so festive and pretty! Thank you so much for hosting!

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!
    You are so sweet to gift your self with that beautiful dessert tray. LOL! It is so beautiful and you two ladies have such awesomely good taste.
    Thank you so much for hosting the party.
    I too have a terrible time getting your page to load. I tried to get on last night and a couple of times this am.
    My techy grandson said I was having the same problem with my sight. He told me to put in a line break with the "continue reading here" line. It worked for me. Just saying.
    Love to all, Ginger


  12. One of my favorite times of the year

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  13. Paula and Patti, Imagine my surprise in finding my post featured today on your beautiful party! Thank you so much, I am thrilled!

    You throw the best party! Thank you for all your work!

    Jeannie @ The French Hens Nest

  14. Happy Holidays, Paula and Patti! I love seeing homes dressed for Christmas, so coming by for a visit here is a treat. Some good features, too. LOL I buy myself Christmas gifts, too!
    Merry, Merry! Sue

  15. Probably the Nativity Secenes. I have several and spread them around the house. Before Dec 25th I light a candle in the place Baby Jesus will be... it's so sweet to watch the tiny details in each of them.
    But there aren't less favorite items - Tis The Season!
    Wishing you a Merry and Blessed Christmas,

  16. Love seeing your home decorated. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  17. Hi Paula and Patti, loving all your Christmas treasures. Thanks you so much for featuring my blog, what a nice suprise. Thanks for hosting! Have a very Merry Christmas.

  18. Hey Paula and Patti,
    everything looks wonderful! Love all your Christmas decorations! Thanks so much for featuring my Christmas blog post!

  19. Merry Christmas to you both! I hope your Holiday will be wonderful. You always have the best decorations and share so much JOY!

    Blessings and love.


  20. Patti~
    Thank you so much for stopping by and your lovely compliments. What a wonderful surprise!
    Your decor is absolutely lovely, as always!
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
    God Bless~
    Lisa xo

  21. Thank you Patti for gracing your beauty over at my place and I cannot wait to se your théâtre ...
    Paula all the holiday touches over here are great, you always have so much excitement over here, and I can't wait to see what the new year brings for the two of you and all the inspiration to follow.

    Thank you for all the encouragement you have given me with all your visits and best you two taking the time to comment.
    A beautiful Christmas to you and your families.

    À Joyeux Noël


  22. I love your Christmas present to yourself and that you have displayed a Menorah in honor of your great grandmother. Wishing you and your family the merriest and blessed of Christmases.


  23. So beautiful and cozy...
    A blessed and Merry Christmas to you, dear Patti...and your precious families!!
    Big hugs,
    - Irina


Thank you so much for your comments! We enjoy hearing from you.