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Monday, February 27, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

What's It Wednesday #14

I have a confession to make. I am a Daddy's girl. Always was and always will be. I was visiting my Dad the other day and we were reminiscing about the days when I use to visit him at the pharmacy as a little girl. Oh how I loved to see him in his white pharmacy lab coat. I just thought that my Daddy was just the most handsome man. Through the years a collection of pharmaceutical antiques and vintage pieces have been collected to honor his profession. In fact, if a piece also happens to have my Dad's name on it, it is purchased immediately just like that green bottle (Nelson's Pharmacy) next to the super cute pharmacist.

My Dad received this Pharmacy Badge in 1967 when he graduated from Florida A & M University's School of Pharmacy. Once you graduated from the university this badge was to be placed on the car. 

At my dad's house he keeps his collection of rare pharmaceutical items in two antique cabinets. 

I cannot remember a day when we did not have several various mortar and pestles throughout our home. The mortar and pestle was a vital tool in medicine. It is used to crush, grind and mix various substances. The "mortar" is the receptacle in which the substances are added and the pestle is for pounding. The mortar and pestle date back to early Egypt. My dad's collection includes, glass, porcelain, wooden, brass and pewter mortar and pestles. 

This glass bottle is one of Daddy's favorite pieces in his collection. It is an enema bottle. He explained that it was used in the hospital. The bottle was filled up with a solution, hung upside down, and well...Spring cleaning if you will.

In 1983, Daddy went to the University of Southern California to pursue a degree and a new field of pharmacology known as Radiopharmacy. He became one of the first Nuclear Pharmacists in the State of Florida. In fact, he was one of the first African American Pharmacists (If not the first...this is bit of historical information is in the process of being determined) in the state. Daddy was involved in the preparation of various radioactive materials that were used to diagnose and treat patients. 

This antique cabinet houses some additional really cool collections.

You will find all kinds of bottles in this collection. This Boracic Acid (Boric Acid) bottle dates back to the early 20th century. It was used as an eye wash, antiseptic for minor burns or cuts, acne treatment and also for the prevention of athlete's feet. Around 1948, Boric Acid was used as an insecticide. 

When I looked in the cabinet there were many of these beautiful porcelain funnels which were vital laboratory equipment that was used for filtration. What was even more interesting was finding out that these were made by the Coors Company. Yes the beer folks. Daddy explained that the Coors company was known for it's porcelain and cement products long before it became a well known brewery.

The scale was also a very important tool in a pharmacy. This brass scale is still in mint condition. It played an important role in measuring medicine.

This is my favorite piece. This is Dr. Nelson's "Improved" Inhaler. It was used to relieve congestion by inhaling the vapors from boiling water. The Directions state the following: "Remove mouthpiece, half fill inhaler with boiling water replace mouthpiece and apply lips to it, breathe freely in & out as in ordinary full respiration". I am also partial to this piece because it just so happens to have the same name as my darling Daddy.

What are your favorite memories with your dad?


Thank you all for participating in our 
"What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's awesome features
This beautiful vintage aqua pitcher is featured at Magnolia Cottage
The Perfect Table at Jennelise is a must see
This beautiful wire basket is from La Vie Quotidienne
You must see these awesome gift ideas at Heaven's Walk
Ann of Moonbeams & Fireflies has a fabulous idea for shoe forms and photos
This beautiful Japanese tablescape is a must see at Tablescapes By Diane

Come show off your whatchamacallitswhat is itswhat it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, repurposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.

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  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cameo Appearance

Cameos have been around in some form as early as the third century B.C. They are carved in relief from compressed layers to reveal a portrait or scene in a contrasting color.

 Initially cameos were not worn as jewelry, but were carved from gemstones as objects of art representing Greek Gods or Roman soldiers.

They have experienced periodic revivals over the centuries, the last being in the 18th and 19th century.

Now, most cameos are carved from shell to be worn as jewelry.

I have a few pieces that have unique colors or unusual forms 

like this sweet old compact

or this darling pill box.

 Some I use in my bottle making.

 But my largest collection is black with white relief. I tend to look for the gorgeous ladies with flowing hair. They are grouped together and displayed in this dish. I noticed how most face the right, hmm?

 Since I'm a lefty, I’ve now started looking for left facing cameos.

I found this cutie and she pushed all my buttons. I love her, and I love cameos! Hope you enjoyed them too.

And thank you all for participating in our 
"What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's features:

Harrismith De Oude Huize Yard
Boxwood Cottage
Revisionary Life
Creating Wonderful Spaces

Delusions of Grandeur

 Come show off your whatchamacallitswhat is itswhat it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, repurposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.

 Please be sure to do the following for us: 

  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
  4. Don't forget to leave us a comment as well. We love hearing from you!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Milky Way

What's It Wednesday #12

Milk glass is known for being milky white and opaque or translucent. The original intent was for the glassware to look like porcelain, but cost much less to produce. It originated in Venice during the 16th century and included colors such as pink, blue, black, brown and yellow. You can still find milk glass in some of these colors, however, the opaque white is the most popular. 

This milk glass hand dish is ideal for holding business cards or a beautiful butterfly. 

In the early 20th century, milk glass was extremely popular among the wealthy. The appeal was in its delicacy and elegance. 

This pedestal milk glass bowl is perfect for holding rose buds and petals in the bath. You can see the translucence of the glass in the picture on the right. I found this great find at the local Goodwill for $1.00.

During the Depression milk glass was not produced as elegantly as before. During the 1930s and 40s the production was of a lesser quality. 

This hobnail bowl with the top sat on my grandmother's dresser for as long as my mother and I mother could remember. For decades it played the roll of the Tooth Fairy by housing the baby teeth of three generations of children. 

What do you remember being on your relative's dresser?


Thank you all for participating in our 
"What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's 
awesome features
This lemon tree is a must see at Silber + Rosen
Wait until you see what Courtney is up to with her Little Faux French Boiserie
Jo has a heart for Amour
Check out Samm's Lingerie Chest Redo over at Little House in the Big D
Sandy makes nailheads look sexy over at My Shabby Streamside Studio

Judy, of JBigg's Little Pieces, creates a very romantic mantel for Valentines Day

Come show off your whatchamacallitswhat is itswhat it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, repurposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.

 Please be sure to do the following for us: 

  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
  4. Don't forget to leave us a comment as well. We love hearing from you!

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Out of Africa

What's It Wednesday #11

In Ghana, It is more important to think then to react. This sculpture of the profile of the thinker is a nice reminder. 

 This metal water carrier walks among the porcelain roses.

 This darling Blackamoor stands tall and proud. Blackamoor mean't dark skin. I can tell you it was love at first sight the day he and I met. He represents the lovely people of northern Africa and Southern Spain.

This lovely "Queen Mother" is very tall and has a place of prominence on the entertainment unit in the family room
 My favorite ebony sculpture is of the woman and the vessel of water. It is quite a delicate carving.

These West African weddings combs are so unique. The carving is quite intricate.

Ghanaians are known for their fertility sculptures. They range from wedding combs to a variety of statues. 

This old guy keeps me on my toes. He is a beautiful ebony carving with a marble base. He hails from Kenya and adds just the right touch on top of the refrigerator.

 This is a collection of carved canes from Kenya and Ghana. They make a real statement in the entry.

Finally, these five gentlemen interlock and are carved from one piece of wood. Amazing! They form the base for this side table. 

Thanks for touring Africa with us this week!

Paula & Patti

And thank you all for participating in our 
"What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's features.

Blossoms Vintage Chic


Housepitality Designs

My Old Historic House

Savannah Granny

Boogieboard Cottage

 Come show off your whatchamacallitswhat is itswhat it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, repurposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.

 Please be sure to do the following for us: 

  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
  4. Don't forget to leave us a comment as well. We love hearing from you!

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