Believe it or not, this lovely figure of a woman is actually a medical instrument! It’s known as a “doctor’s lady”.
They originated in China from as early as the Ming Dynasty (1300’s) and were still used up until 100 years ago.
They are small carvings depicting a nude female in a recumbent position, supporting her head on her right arm, with her left arm resting demurely on her body.
Traditionally, Chinese male physicians used them so a female patient could indicate the location of her discomfort in a modest fashion. This eliminated the shame of having to show or point to her own body, which was strictly taboo.
The figures were made from various materials such as ivory, resin, semiprecious stone, or soapstone.
They are typically 4 to 10 inches long, often with a base in the form of a couch.
Back then, they would have likely used a pointing stick carved as a hand with the index finger extended to point to various areas of the body. That way the doctor wouldn’t even have physical contact with the figure, taking the level of modesty one degree further. Sadly, those pointers are even harder to find than the figures!
Although these “doctor’s ladies” are highly prized and collected among physicians, I find them to be beautiful as well as fascinating too. They show just how we’ve come as women. I'm always keeping a look out and hope to find a few more someday.
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Imagine a time when people were either loosing their jobs or forced to take deep pay cuts. A time when families lost their homes and pinching a penny was a way of life. Sound familiar? Well I am actually not talking about the recession we are currently in, but instead the Depression years of the late 20s and 30s.
During the Great Depression, several glassware companies began to mass produce various types of glassware that we now know today as "Depression Glass". It was very inexpensively produced and had gained much popularity in the American home.
I call these bubble depression glass. These lovely pieces belonged to my great-grandmother Helen. My mother actually played with these pieces as a little girl.
Depression glass is pretty much any colored glassware that was produced during the Great Depression. It was commonly sold at the five and ten cent stores.
Depression glass came in a variety of colors such as pink, red, green, yellow, amber, white, clear crystal and of course my personal favorite, cobalt blue.
There is something magical about the sunlight passing through beautiful blue depression glass, so I make sure I keep a few pieces in the kitchen window.
In the middle of the Depression, my grandmother and grandfather decided to get married. One of their wedding presents was this beautiful Hazel Atlas "White Ship" bar set. My mother says she had always admired each piece ever since she was a little girl. The large piece in the background is actually a shaker. The top has been missing for many years. I am on a quest to replace it.
These small glasses are called roly poly glasses. Aren't they adorable?
This piece, from the same collection, is an ice bucket that was used to carry crushed iced for mixed drinks.
This rare pitcher is one of my favorite pieces of the collection. It really makes these contemporary cobalt blue tumblers look even better.
In the 1930s, the Hazel-Atlas company was one of the largest manufacturers of glass in the world. They produced a large selection of "depression" glass which is sought after today by many collectors.
I bet one of my Spring fruit smoothies would be perfect in this vintage glassware. I will just have to give it a try.
What is your favorite collectable or memory from your grandparents?
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If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you know that there’s very few collections we shy away from. This week I want to share a work in progress with you. In progress because a collection is never really finished, is it? I'm in awe of all the beautiful dressing tables and vanities I’ve seen in blog land. So, I'm working on my own!
It started with a desire for a pretty powder jar for my dresser. As I kept my eyes peeled, I’d find one here and there and learn as I’d go. I found so many unusual pieces rouge pots, hair receivers, even toothbrush holders!Plus, they came in so many different materials from porcelain, brass, sterling, ormolu, even Bakelite! Nevertheless, I knew I loved leaded glass with the silver tops, so I decided to start there.
This powder shaker is my absolute favorite! Even the dealer who sold it to me didn’t know how it worked. As I cleaned it, I found a tiny lever that slides out to release the powder. Amazing! The repoussé on this piece is incredible.
Well, just pretty jars on the dresser were somewhat bland. So, I found a silver tray to hold a hair brush, mirror, and a clothes brush I’d accumulated all adorned with this gorgeous nymph with flowing hair.
These pieces were all found separately, but inspired by the mirror, which was the first find of the group.
Once I found the basic pieces, I too thought I was done and happy.
Then came the nail file followed by the buttonhook.Now, I’m always on the lookout for something unique and usefulfor the vanity set.
I leave you with my latest find, this cute little hat brush! The design on the handle is gorgeous! So the hunt continues, and the collection grows…
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There is something romantic about an antique cast iron stove. Even Benjamin Franklin found these utilitarian works of art interesting. In the Mid-1700s, he decided to improve upon the stove design of the day and created the "Pennsylvania Fireplace".
This Sheffield cast iron stove is my personal favorite. It once belonged to my grandmother and now resides, lovingly, in my Dad's kitchen.
This HCI wood-burning cast iron stove is kept in Dad's kitchen as well. This stove was used to keep you nice and toasty on a cold day.
My mother's dear friend Sandy is one of my idols and mentors for many reasons. She and her husband have been blessed with the opportunity to live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, The Everglades. Living in such a magnificent place not only gives you the opportunity interact with nature, but also to acquire all kinds of amazing antiques that people either leave behind, give away, or sell cheaply. This stove is truly a beautiful piece of art from the Atlanta Stove Works of Atlanta, Georgia.
The Atlanta Stove Works went out of business in the 1890s and was replaced by the Birmingham Stove Works and later the Birmingham Stove and Range Company.
When I grow up, I want a beautiful antique stove that I can put in my garden. This piece adds such grace and character to one of Sandy's gorgeous gardens.
How about this beautiful cast iron stove as a planter and an art piece on your deck or porch?
The one thing I do know is that these beautiful antique stoves found a great home to be featured in.
Tell us about a beautiful stove in your fondest memory.
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
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