
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jesus Loves Me

What's It Wednesday #59
Remember Sunday School? Getting dressed up in your frilliest dress and patent leather shoes with a big bow in your hair. The teacher was always so sweet and smelled like lavender.
I was flooded with all these happy memories when I was poking in an old dresser drawer and found these. Did you have these bible cards when you were little?

One side shows a pretty picture and a verse.
The back gives a lesson to go along with the text.
These aren’t mine. I found them while out antiquing and they had to come home with me. Notice the date, December 29,1901 and the price at the bottom 10 cents per year!
This is my favorite, the attendance card of little “Lydia Wilson”. I wonder why she missed that 2nd Sunday? Did all that tardiness cost her the cookies and juice afterward?
Who saved these precious cards? Little Lydia or her dedicated teacher?
Someone thought to treasure those Sunday lessons. Learning about God, holding hands and singing “Jesus Loves Me”, and juice and cookies after.

Here are this week's features:

Don't forget to grab a feature button:
 Ivy and Elephants 

We are partying with these fine folks:
Thanks to all of you who partied with us last week. Please linkup and join us again.
Remember, it’s not a party without you!

Come show off your whatchamacallits, what is its, what it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, re-purposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.
Please be sure to do the following for us:
  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
  4. Don't forget to leave us a comment. We love hearing from you!


  1. Oh I love this post and it really does bring back memories of childhood and Sunday school. What a neat collection. Thank you for hosting!

  2. Some of those very same pictures where in my "Bible Stories for Children" book, I wish I still had it.
    Thank you so much for featuring my slip-covers, I'm truly honored.

  3. I do remember them. I think they are so sweet. I love the little statue for a first Holy Communion I think. x

  4. Wow this just brought back memories of Sunday school and First Holy Communion. My First Holy Communion was in Edwards A.F.B. California a long long long time ago.

  5. What a lovely post and what a beautiful collection. You always show gorgeous things.

  6. I do remember those cards. I loved Sunday School. Did they ever use the felt boards when you were little where they would put up felt pictures on a felt background as they told the Bible story? My favorite was Moses and the Bullrushes. xo Diana

  7. Hi Patti! Thank you so much for hosting your party today. I adore seeing those beautiful Bible cards. I don't think I have ever seen them before so thanks for sharing those with us too. I'm like Lydia...I have to miss church sometimes too.


  8. Oh yes girl, I remember the Sunday school days, my grandparents took me to a Methodist church, I lived with them

    Tho I wall through The Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for tho are with me.

    This is what I remember my verse was that stayed with me, I read it at my GrandMothers service

    Thanks for letting us show off our treasures this week

  9. Love the rosary, beautiful. Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura

  10. I remember Sunday School so well, my Mother was always a teacher. I have had some trouble downloading your blog recently and today I was so pleased when it can right up! I hate to miss any of your wonderful posts.

  11. Patti, wasn't Sunday School wonderful?
    I remember all those little cards. Thanks, once again, for bring back such sweet memories.

    Have a beautiful blessed day and thanks so much for hosting!

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  12. Patti,
    I was reading your post before I linked up and was surprised to see I was featured this week!! Thank you so much!
    I love the vintage Rosary (and the other religious collectibles).
    I have been adding such lovelies to my home. They are not only beautiful but bring a sense of peace. They make me feel good..... blessed.
    Thanks for hosting each week!

  13. Hi Patti! Oh, what a sweet collection. I loved going to Sunday School. Mine was held in the basement of our church and was always so cool in there. I love the flannel graph board my teacher would use to tell us Bible stories. Oh, the sweet memories. I'm happy to be joining your party today!
    Be a sweetie,

  14. I used to teach 5 year olds in Sunday school and remember using similar cards! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Penny

  15. I don't know why, during a long time I couldn't arrive to your blog : I had the first page but impossible to arrive to posts. So happy to be here before I start to VENICE carnival on thursday !
    I use to collect antique china virgins and I love your collection.
    Xoxo from PARIS

  16. When we cleaned our mom's house after she passed...we found some papers from church and some little red testiment books. I divvied out my collection of my daughters papers to them when I moved here. I hope they saved some of them, for their children to see.xoxo,Susie

  17. Inspiring features! Thank you for having me over-I am sharing my mom's cake recipe and a brilliant book.
    Hope your week is wonderful!

  18. LUV those chairs in your 1st feature!
    Thanks for always hosting such a great party!

  19. What precious memories!!

    Imagine my surprise as I'm scrolling through the pretty features only to find...mine!!! Thank you ladies...what a blessing you are! {hugs}

    P.S. Your blog loaded super fast today. Whatever you did...yay!!

  20. Hi Patti. Great collection to have. My bible study teacher was short and round with snow white hair. She had a way of moving her lips when she talked and read aloud to us that I always remember, but I can't remember her name!.Thanks for hosting..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  21. What a sweet little post. I love those little vintage bible cards. And such pretty pictures you created.

  22. Patti, thanks for sharing those sweet cards and Bible lessons with us. It did bring back fond memories of Sunday School days as a little girl. I visited the church I grew up in when my sweet brother passed away this past October. I went through all the rooms. They were so much like the way I remembered and I took a moment to just breathe in the fragrance of each room, so I could store it afresh in my memory.

  23. Hi Patty! A great collection and it couldn't have a better home! Great choices from last week. Thanks again for hosting!

  24. How beautiful! The mother-of-pearl piece...maybe a little prayer book...caught my eye! And those cards are such sweet reminders of lessons that were so important for the come we don't have beautiful artwork cards like that today for our own children??? The cost wouldn't be that much...and I know I'd pay it. Seems like so much is made to just be thrown in the trash nowadays. Such a sweet collection! I'm so glad you shared it with us this week!

  25. Thank you Patti for the invite. I am enjoying many of the links & have joined the party with the French armoire.

  26. Love your find of the Sunday School cards and attendance cards! Definitely brings back memories.
    Mary Alice

  27. Your post is so pretty. Great memories. Thank you for featuring my post.

  28. Great memorabilia. I remember Sunday School very well. My mother was a minister. Linked up my angels this week. Kinda fitting.

  29. Hello Patti,
    First of all, I wanted to tell you that I have come over and visited many times and tried to leave a comment, but every time I did there were no blog posts, just an empty blank space. I'm not sure what was going on, but I'm so glad that I got through today. Oh yes, I remember Sunday school. These cards are so precious. I can see why you wanted to collect a few. I hope the new year is being kind to you girls. Have a lovely evening.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  30. Thank you all for hanging in there with the slow and sometimes NO loading. My sweet and savvy daughter figured out the issue, so it's MUCH faster!
    Love you guys,

  31. Hi Patti,
    we don't have that kind of Sunday school here in Germany but we have special mass for children. And those I remember well. We also have some similar cards with lovely pictures of Jesus, Maria or other Saints and backside prayers. And for sure we collected them and swaped with friends. Nice memories, indeed. You have such a nice way to arrange those memorabilias and to take photos. They all look like treasures then. I hope little Lydia had a reason for missing this 2nd Sunday, may be she was ill? Isn't that nice, that someone saved those things. Who would remember her otherwise? Thank you for sharing this post and for hosting this sweet party.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  32. Happy VTT! Beautiful post today, loved the cards.

  33. New follower here! Just found your party and would love to join!

  34. The Bible card do bring me back to my childhood. I remember vividly, the picture of Noah reaching from the ark to the bird. So glad I found your blog and will be folloiwng. Patti@OldThingsNew

  35. Your post did bring back such memories! Such a pretty Rosary. Thanks for hosting a great party, all linked up, and hope to see you at Sunday's Best.

  36. What a beautiful post! Makes me think of my first SS teacher, Irene!

    I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you'd like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  37. Thank you so much for the hosting and your lovely comment on my blog! I am your follower 2!


  38. I was never given Bible story cards at Sunday School when I was little, but in the mid to late 90's I GAVE a newer version of those to my SS class!!

  39. just stopt by to say HI.... I love this post .. big hug viana

  40. Stopping by from Vintage Thursday. Hope you can come by for a visit. Loved your cards. Blessings, Debbie

  41. What memories! I loved Sunday School as a little girl, sweet dresses, gloves and hats. We had to do our SS lesson during the week and memorize or Bible verse to recite on Sunday morning.

  42. Wonderful Sunday School finds. Great features too! Thanks for hosting.

  43. What a sweet, dear and thoughtful post. It has warmed my heart and brought back precious memories. I have linked up this week. Thank you!

  44. I really love the old Bible cards too Patti. I have a few that I bought on Etsy just recently. Your photos are so lovely in this post. You create the loveliest vignettes.
    hugs from here...

  45. Hello! Lovely to visit your blog and join in your party again! It is always a pleasure to peruse all of the beautiful photographs and sentiments here. Take care!

  46. What a sweet post! Your Bible cards did bring back memories of Sunday School as a child! Thanks for hosting :)

  47. I love your beautiful religious finds. I think it's the time of year, but I am drawn to these kinds of things. They speak to me in volumes.

  48. Thanks so much for stoppin' by my blog! You ladies truly have some inspirational ideas! Love your blog. Smooches!!

    Amber @ The Honeysuckle Bus Stop

  49. Hi Patti, thanks for hosting I love coming here. But I'm a little late this tine. This is one beautiful post, such memories. Such a beautiful and true tittle post.

  50. Hello Patty, What a beautiful post about the Sunday School/Church cards! The attendance card was too sweet...AAAHHH we need to go back to these lovely days! Your vignettes of all these religious collections are outstanding...Beautiful! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments. I am your newest follower and look forward to seeing more! I would love to have you as my newest follower too! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend! Roxie

  51. Your bilbe cards are little works of art. So beautiful!

  52. Oh dear Paula, great minds think alike, we both adore boxes! I was so lucky to find your party open, because I just posted this one yesterday with my collection of boxes. Thank you lovely lady for your sweet and kind comments, I was so happy to hear from you. Thanks for the "late party joining"..I love to be here!! Enjoy your weekend.

  53. I didn't have Sunday School cards, but I had prayer cards that usually held a prayer on one side, then the photo of a deceased family member, with dates of birth and death on the other. It sounds morbid now, but it was a lovely way to remember grandparents and those gone before. They stayed in my prayer book and were there as reminders every Sunday.

  54. What sweet memories you've shared and such precious mementos.

  55. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and also, for following me:) I love your treasures! I love finding new linky parties also so I'll definitely link up next time:) Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

  56. Patti, I remember those days so vividly. I wore lace socks, patent leather shoes, bows and frilly dresses, I was such a girly girl. Those were the days and going to Church was just about the only place we went. I miss those days! Thanks for the memories! (No body dresses any more, I hate that)!

  57. Those little cards are really neat knowing how old they are!

  58. Thanks for hosting the link up :) Stopped by to return the comment love and linked up and started gfc following too :) Have a lovely day!

  59. They'd be coming home with me too, they're lovely. I do remember getting dressed up for Sunday school, but I don't remember the cards. Thanks for sharing them.

  60. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo P.S. the new giveaway started Friday :-)

  61. I adore those little lesson cards. I remember getting them, and they always had a memory verse on them, too, that you had to learn before next Sunday! I usually procrastinated and learned it in the car on my way to church the following week. ;P

    I remember wearing little white gloves in the spring. I was thinking about this today when my 15 year old went to church wearing jeans. I guess Jesus doesn't mind but mama does! :/

  62. My dear Patti!

    I am finally able to come see you before I run out to a teaching assignment this morning. This post brings back wonderful memories of growing up in South Central Los Angeles and going to cathecism. My mother collected all these cards and I have many of them from my grandmother's day! And that little mother of pearl prayer book? I always wanted one for first communion! I remember the black patent leather shoes and the frilly dresses. Thank you for this memory!

    AND Thank you as well for coming for a visit to see my cards.

    Have a lovely week! Anita

  63. Right near our darling Anita!
    Patti, dear, what a sweet post this is...such warm and fond memories...

    Thank you so much for visiting me, dear friend...
    Aren't Anita's cards the cutest?
    Love and blessings for a wonderful week,
    - Irina

  64. Hey ladies! I would love for y'all to join my party over at The Honeysuckle Bus Stop for {MoonSHINE Monday}.

    Smooches to you both!

  65. What a sweet treasure to find! I actually remember getting bible study cards in Sunday school. I am so glad these found their way to you were they will be treasured! Thank you for sharing them with us at TTF.

  66. Such a sweet post! Brought back some great memories of Sunday School, and vacation Bible school!!
    Hugs to you and thanks for sharing!

  67. This post brings back lots of memories. I still have my prayer book from when I was 8. Thanks for hosting another wonderful party!


  68. Hi Patti,
    I was feeling a little discouraged this morning, then I saw the words, Jesus loves me. Just what I needed to hear, I trust in Him completely, couldn't make it a day without Him. But sometimes we just need to be reminded. Thank you so much, loved your post.


Thank you so much for your comments! We enjoy hearing from you.