hard to believe that two years have passed since we first tentatively
launched Ivy & Elephants. We were just two friends who happily
chatted about our favorite blogs and marveled over the fabulous and
creative designs we found there. This was a community of strong
caring women living life to the fullest, and we wanted to be a part
of it. Gratefully we were accepted and welcomed into the fold. Two
years later I am happy to say that our little blog has flourished and
we are blessed with wonderful and supportive friends all over the
say thank you we're giving away two great books that we know you'll
love. The first is “Paris Flea Market Style” by Claudia Strasser.
If you know her first book, “The Paris Apartment” or her blog
of the same name you know you won't be disappointed. To see some eye
candy from the book and get a great review click on the link to Kim
Hite's La
Belle Époque Home.
other is “Junk Style” by Melanie Molesworth. This book is filled
with fabulous treasures artfully displayed and lovingly collected.
For a sneak peek at the book check out The
City Sage.
thank you for all your friendship and support. Your words of
encouragement are treasured and inspiring.
& Paula
There Are 7 Ways to Enter!
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are a current follower.
a follower and leave us a comment indicating that you are a new
our giveaway on your blog linking it back to us and leave us a
comment indicating that you did.
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leave us a comment indicating that you did.
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and leave us a comment indicating that you did.
Follow us on Pinterest and leave us a comment indicating that you did.
to leave a separate comment for each cool task in order to increase
your odds of winning. We will be using a Random Generator
to choose the winner. We will be announcing our winner
next Tuesday, June 4th. Grab our
giveaway button to share with friends. Good luck and thank you
for a wonderful two years!
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for an important date. This post was delayed due to a tummy bug my five year old is suffering from. So now that he is fast asleep, let me tell you about one of my latest acquisitions.
Some of you may know that I have a weakness for silver boxes, purses, and cigarette cases. So the other day I decided to treat myself by visiting one of my favorite antique stores. There she was sitting in the front display case calling out my name.
I immediately fell in love with this silver Nécessaire. A Nécessaire is a small portable object that is used to carry small items needed for every day use. So therefore, I felt it was necessary for me to take her home and display her on my grandmother's childhood vanity. Immediately she looked like she was right at home. Her pretty little chain reminded me of an elegant silver necklace. I can just imagine the wonderful parties she attended in her prime.
What attracted me the most were the little compartments inside. I have always loved the little coin slots. Imagine that was enough money for a night on the town.
The compact is so cute and once held the lady's face powder. These women that owned these purses were truly together and very fashionable.
The ladies use to put dance cards and calling cards on the right. Like I do with my cigarette cases, I place special pictures of loved ones in the open space. This Nécessaire has so much purse-sonality.
What are some items that you feel are necessary to display?
Thanks to all of you who partied with us last week. Please link-up and join us again. Remember, it's not a party without you!
you ever found you have an unintentional collection? No? Just us
hoarders, huh? Well in my attempt to dig through and organize a bit,
I was rummaging through some drawers and boxes when I ran across
they were not all together wrapped lovingly in tissue or linen, but
packed in here and there among lace, hats, shoes and a myriad other
finding the first two I started to look for more.
with beads and sequins say made in Hong Kong.
found this one covered completely in beads,
this one with a intricate flower pattern made with three different
types of beads, both handmade in France.
pretty has a raised flower pattern and hails from Germany.
shades of ivory and cream must be what drew me to them.
imagine the time it must have taken to make each one!
so glad I found these and put them all together. They do make a
lovely collection, don't you think? Now I'm inspired to keep digging. Who knows what else I might find!?!
Thanks to all of you who partied with us last week. Please link-up and join us again. Remember, it's not a party without you!
Back in February I made a quiet announcement at the end of the post. That week, we welcomed home a three year old princess. Next week we go to court for the finalization of our adoption. This is the day my family has been waiting for.
My husband and I met in Victoria, British Columbia and from the time we met we said we wanted children. As fate would have it, I was not able to get pregnant. I went to a infertility specialist and was mortified when I found out that the IVF procedure was not guaranteed. I decided against the procedure knowing that I could not handle it if the procedure did not work. Needless to say I was devastated. I cried for days.
One day my husband said "Honey, we could always adopt". I dried up my tears and started researching adoption. I actually spent years researching before finally getting up the nerve to pursue my dream of being a mother.
I was concerned about the cost of adoption. Overseas adoptions were astronomical and domestic adoptions were half astronomical (If there is such a thing...but you get my point). I really wasn't sure what we were going to do. All I knew was I wanted to be a mother.
As I do with everything else, I put it in prayer. So one day, I ran into a former co-worker who, at the time, had just adopted two children at the same time. All I kept thinking was that she must have sold the farm.
She told me that she went through the Children's Home Society and that there was no cost for the adoption. The Home Study was also free (which can cost $1,000 to $2,000). In addition, the child's college tuition is paid for at a state college or university along with many other benefits bestowed to the parents.
Three years ago, when we went to pursue adopting our son, we had no idea of the number of children who lived in our own city that were in need of a forever family.
I had always told our case worker, that we had with our son, that we wanted a daughter. I told myself in 2012 that if I did not meet her that year I was not going to pursue it anymore. I left it in God's hands. In October of 2012 the case worker called us to let us know there was a little girl in need of a forever family. We agreed to meet her.
In November, my husband, son and I met this darling three year old. She was so shy and did not speak at all. Her eyes always looked sad. She would trip and fall quite often due to an injury she received from neglect as a baby. Her clothes were dirty and her hair was barely combed.
We had weekend visits at first and she always arrived with the same two outfits and one dirty doll. So you know I went shopping and lost my mind. I mean this is a girl you know. Even my son chooses outfits for our little princess.
In February the courts gave us full custody of our little princess. No more weekend visits. She was home for good. From November to February she had blossomed. She was no longer shy. Her eyes began to sparkle and she has never looked sad again. In fact, the day she moved in she had this look on her face as if to say "It's about time". She has never asked for the family she left. This little princess only looks forward. Her legs have strengthened and she rarely trips over herself and falls. She truly is my inspiration.
Sebastian and the princess are absolutely inseparable. They are so good for one another and they are definitely great for us.
What impresses me the most is that in a few short months our little princess has thrived beyond belief. Every child deserves to be loved and feel wanted.
I share this Mother's Day story to say that parenthood is always possible. I tell my son that he did not come from Mommy's stomach but from my heart.
I thank God every day for choosing me to be the mother of two amazing children who started off life behind the eight ball.
Next week it will be official. This little princess will be ours forever. By the way, her name is Victoria named after the city where my hubby and I met. This is truly the best Mother's Day ever.
Thanks to all of you who partied with us last week. Please link-up and join us again. Remember, it's not a party without you!