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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tickling The Ivory

My love of collecting sometimes takes me far afield, as beautiful objects can be found in many forms. In an earlier post I shared with you my collection of ivory puzzle balls. Today, I'm sharing some other ivory pieces that are favorites of mine. First is this colorful pair depicting the Emperor and Empress astride their  majestic elephants.  I love their coloring and beautiful faces.

 She, so elegant and demure; and he, so regal.  What do you think they are?  Salt and pepper shakers, perhaps? Take a guess.  After all, it’s “What’s It Wednesday”, right?

 Okay, here you go. What? Still no clue? These are snuff bottles. The Chinese began using them to carry powdered tobacco when smoking was outlawed during the Qing Dynasty.  “Snuff” was allowed because it was thought to be a remedy for common illnesses such as colds, headaches and stomach disorders.

 These are “Lucky Gods”. They represent good fortune and prosperity. Each body is carved from teak wood with attached ivory face, hands, and inlaid symbols applied to the robes.

 This small carving depicts a weary traveler resting on his “Foo Dog”, the Chinese guardian lion thought to have mythical powers of protection.

 This beautiful Geisha dreams of the future as she prepares to serve tea. The designs are first carved and color applied to bring out the details of the piece.

 These little cuties remind me to keep to the straight and narrow path. Do you recognize them? They represent the Japanese proverb, “Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil”.  The fourth guy? “Do no evil”!  LOL

 This is what is known as a netsuke. Japanese used them as toggles to attach pouches to carry small objects, as the traditional kimono had no pockets. The intricately carved detail is wonderful, and makes this playful pair of fish sharing a worm, come to life. The proud carver has signed his work.

 These two are netsukes as well. They have two faces carved into a rolling ball, representing the struggle between good and evil within.  

 I hope you found something to “tickle” your fancy in this post, and have something new to ponder.


Thank you all for participating in our 
"What's It Wednesday"  linky party!
Don't forget to grab a feature button.

Ivy and Elephants

Here are this week's features.

Shabby Sweet Cottage

Common Ground

21 Rosemary Lane
Petites Passions
Moonlight Dreams
The Tablescaper

 Come show off your whatchamacallitswhat is itswhat it once was, and "hey, look what I just did" posts. In other words, what you created, organized, designed or re-designed, found, purchased, transformed, inherited, repurposed, renovated, are selling, or giving-away.

 Please be sure to do the following for us: 

  1. Provide a link back to your post (not your main blog url).
  2. Feel free to copy and paste our party button on your sidebar. This way other fabulous folks can join in the fun as well.
  3. Mix and mingle by visiting the other party people and show them some love (leave a sweet comment).
  4. Don't forget to leave us a comment as well. We love hearing from you!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
Thanks so much for hosting your lovely linky party.
I hope you a wonderful week with your family.
XXOO Diane

The Charm of Home said...

What beautiful collections you have. Thank you for hosting!

The Tablescaper said...

You have such amazing collections! Thanks so much for feauturing my table!

- The Tablescaper

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Such beautiful pieces in your collections and all displayed so nice!

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous and unusual collection. I bet it's fun to look for pieces to add to it. Thank you for hosting the party. It's always fun to participate. xo

Unknown said...

Thanks for Hosting! Wonderful treasures! XO Cindy

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Such beautiful pieces, and a lovely collection. Great features also. Thanks so much for hosting. Hugs, marty

Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

Lovely collection, ladies! My, I will learn so much by following your pretty blog. Thanks for having us this week!
xo, Andrea

Grammy Goodwill said...

This is another beautiful collection. You must enjoy doing the research on each piece so you can share it with us. Very detailed info for us - thanks.

sandy said...

What a lovely blog and a lovely collection!!

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

I LOOOVE your collection! I love anything Asain! Beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing them and for hosting! XO, Pinky

Karen said...

That is a beautiful collection, I love the information that you share on your collections. Thanks so much for featuring my buffet redo. I'm beyond thrilled and extremely flattered.

Sue said...

I always come away from here with a wealth of information! These snuff containers are so absolutely unique. Thanks for hosting, once again!

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hi Patti,
oh my, what a beautiful collection. I love to see those little ivory carvings. They are really beautiful and charming made. What a great idea is the one with the rolling heads. So playful and fancy. Thank you for sharing this treasures and for hosting this wonderful event.
best greetings, Johanna

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Thanks so much for joining TTT. I always love your links. Hugs, Marty

Savannah Granny said...

Hi Ladies, Thanks for hosting and sharing your beautiful ivory collection. It is magnificant!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

These are so beautiful...a wonderful, wonderful collection. The Geisha is my favorite ~ georgous!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

These are so beautiful...a wonderful, wonderful collection. The Geisha is my favorite ~ georgous!

Anna at the Doll House said...

What an interesting collection of ivory. I did not know that snuff-taking became so popular because the smoking of tobacco was banned. Thankfully, that gave rise to these amazing snuff bottles.


Linda M. said...

Hi Patti, I'm new to your party and your blog. I'm a new follower. Wow, you have a great ivory collections and you certainly know what you have. Thanks for hosting. I'm off to visit. Joyous Wishes, Linda

Dreamgoddess said...

Pattie, what a stunning collection you have! The netsuke fish is my favorite, I think. It's just so cute!

I'm so tickled and flattered that you featured my blog! Thank you so much! I'm in very inspiring company. - Kim

Burlap Luxe said...

Thank you Patti,
You always give love and poetry to ones heart with your beautiful visits.

You also have the most interesting posting with beautiful unique pieces of awwww!, Sighing and swooning over your heirloom treasures.

Thank you for your beautiful visits and all you inspire.

An Oasis in the Desert said...

Patti, your collections are truly stunning. The intricacies of the pieces are so incredible. Thank you so much for sharing.

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I always enjoy your beautiful collections. Thanks for hosting.

Laura said...


I am joining in for the first time-

Thank you for hosting!

White Spray Paint

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

PATTI! I FINALLY GOT IN YOUR BLOG! I came earlier this morning and then after dinner and to NO AVAIL; your post never showed up. But now, I happened to visit your YOU TUBE and Pin board (and saw my dining room...thank you!) and NOW I CAN GET IN to see this fabulous display of goodies! Thank you precious one for coming to visit today! WOOOO report card season is upon us, isn't it???

I WISH YOU GREAT SUCCESS and much fun and love as you journey through this passage of an educator!


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hi there....thanks so much for your sweet note,,would link but I don't know stupid !! Maybe I will learn someday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patti and thank you for hosting. I'm linked up to your party!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hey girl thanks for coming by..and dang me for not linked up sooner..Ok I still don't have a thumbnail pic there don't know what happen..Ok now you girls have shown the ivory (elephants) now I want to see your ivy collection ha ha!!
you have the best stuff in all of blogland and things even I that am older than water have never seen..Love once again seeing all your eye candy..Hugs to you both Gloria

Debra@CommonGround said...

These are amazing, I love seeing all your wonderful treasures! Thanks so much for the honor of being featured, just linked up for the party, xo

Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

Gorgeous collection!I loved looking at all of the pretty pieces. Thank you so much for hosting and for featuring my scallop recipe. I actually got it from a recipe book my girlfriend was throwing out! I guess one woman's trash truly is antoher woman's treasure!

Myric said...

You have absolutely beautiful ivory collections! I love it when you tell a small background about it. It makes it more interesting!

Thank you so much for featuring my tag! This is so exciting!


lvroftiques said...

I swear between the two of you have a wonderful collection of... EVERYTHING!
Patti I love your ivory collection! Especially the netsukes...amazing little buggers!
What started you on the "passion for ivory" collecting road?
I'm off to check out the inspiration choices. Thanks for hosting this wonderful party! Vanna

LV said...

Thank you for letting me enjoy your world of beauty.

Carole M. said...

I favoured your geisha with the teapot; also the netsukes. Japanese wares always fascinate me; their perfection

Unknown said...

I'm linked up!! Thanks for hosting an awesome party!! So glad you stopped by my place!!

highheeledlife said...

Patti.. thank you for stopping by .. It was a fun day with the girls.. Would love to share the post.. just let me know what I need to do ..
You have such wonderful collections!
cheers, xo HHL

Holly said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I have visited your wonderful place before and it is always a treasure for the eye and soul!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Just linked up. Thanks so much for inviting me. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What a beautiful collection you have! I found the snuff bottles and their story very interesting.
Thanks for you nice comment and for following me. I was going to follow you too but I didn't see where to sign up.

Pellie / Penny said...

Thank you so much for coming by my blog and leaving such a wonderful comment.
But most importantly thank you for coming by so I could find you and your delightful blog.

I love your Ivory collection. All the pieces are so exquisite that it would be hard to pick a favorite. That being said I was most drawn to your two carved God.


c. Joy said...

Beautiful. I never noticed until now - the men depicted old and wise and the women young and beautiful. Your collection is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

What a lovely blog and what wonderful priceless treasures. I'm a new follower. Love, Jody

June said...

Patti these pieces are just beautiful. You really have the loveliest collections.
In case I haven't told you two lately...I love your blog!
sending hugs...

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Thanks for hosting. You have a beautiful collection.


Daniella said...

Oh Patti! Those are so beautiful!! And I would never have guessed snuff boxes!!!!
I would love to put my mini book up for your party!! How fun! Thank you for asking me!!
Where is the button, and does the party always start on Wednesday and end on Monday????
You are awesome!!

Gina said...

What a beautiful ivory collection you have! Thanks for hosting this party & thanks for inviting me to join in.

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

Those are so pretty, I am sure they are treasured. Thanks for hosting, Di@cottage-wishes

Diana said...

Wow you have simply amazingly unique collections. I can see you have a lot of fun hunting. Thank you for sharing.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Thank you for the invitation, I am so happy to link up and spread the word about the cheap paint sprayer!!


Marlis said...

Thanks for hosting this party.. loved reading about your treasures.. They are really beautiful. xo marlis

Dominique said...

Hi, Patti! Thanks for following my blog! Forgive my ignorance, but IDK what a WIW link party is. Could you walk me through it?

By Nela said...

Precioso todo lo relacionado con el arte oriental me encanta.Gracias por tu visita a mi blog. Un abrazo. Manoli

Edie Marie's Attic said...

These are exquisite Patti! The Empress & Emperor are quite incredible. I went to an exhibit of ivory artifacts at the Toledo Museum of Art and found so interesting. I learned so much. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs, Sherry

Tablescapes By Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
This is another beautiful collection. You have in your home. I know you must enjoy seeing all your Vintage Treasures. you must do a lot of research on each piece so you can share it with us. Thanks so much for hosting your linky party for us.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family.
XXOO Diane

Cindy Adkins said...

I'm so glad I was finally able to link to your party! For days, every time I clicked on your blog, I just got a blank white page!! Patti, your collections are always so beautiful and interesting! Thanks for hosting!
Hugs, Cindy

Janet said...

What a beautiful collection you have! I love adding Chinese accents into my home decor because my daughter was born there!

Rebecca said...

I love to see all your interesting things and learn about their history, so wonderful!

Rebecca said...

I love to see all your interesting things and learn about their history, so wonderful!

Rattus Scribus said...

Hi Patti.
I'm glad you enjoyed the Longfellow poem I posted on Heavenly Minded. Very inspiring.

I love these pieces you shared here, but I had to pick only one, it would the geisha with the tea pot. Anita and I love our tea at least once a day.

Have peaceful and happy weekend.


Scarlett Clay said...

Those pieces are AMAZING..especially the snuff boxes..we just watched "1911", a Chinese film about the revolution that overthrew the Qing dynasty...I think your pieces could be props in that film! and your photos reminded me how beautiful ivory really is!


Decor To Adore said...

I recently saw an ivory theater token necklace that was sold in he Elizabeth Taylor jewelry collection that I would have given my eye teeth for! :)

Sanghamitra Bhattacherjee(Mukherjee) said...

Stunning collections!!
Thanks a bunch for your lovely comment on my blog. It is always my pleasure...:)
Have a great week ahead!


Alison @ The Polohouse said...

Hi Patti!
Love seeing your netsukes!
I attended a talk at my antique club about the history of these pieces. The woman that spoke had over 200 of them and used to own almost 500 pieces years ago but has since sold them off through the years.
Amazing. Some of the carvings and details are truly amazing.

Thanks for sharing!

blossoms vintage chic said...

Hi Patti,
Thank you for visiting and for your invitation to your lovely linky party.
Your collection is amazing...such a beautiful post!
Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful party!

Doni said...

Y'all always have the most amazing assortments of things to share, and I'm always learning something I didn't know before when I visit here. Thanks so much for the education!!!
Love that you joined me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!
Blessings, Doni

Richard Cottrell said...

i love ivory, never owned any to keep, just to sell. Wish I could. They are divine. Richard from My Old Historic House.

lvroftiques said...

Patti thank you so much for your kind words about my chandie! I know I'm doin' good girlfriend if I can make you weep *winks* I'll see you guys on Weds! Vanna

Palomasea said...

Such beautiful pieces, Patti! I love the humor, and I think the Geisha piece is my favorite.
My father collects Netsuke as well. Incredibly detailed work on some of those.
Can't wait to see more goodies:)
Have a beautiful week dear,
- Irina

Georgianna said...

So interesting and beautiful!! I have one very sweet netsuke which I love. The carvings can be amazing.

Thanks so much for your visit, Patii – hope you are well!




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Ivy and Elephants
Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart ~ French Proverb ~ We are so grateful that you stopped by ~ Please visit again soon! ~ Much Love, Patricia and Paula